quarta-feira, outubro 28, 2009

De Baixa

Dor de garganta
Falta de apetite
Dores musculares
Dores de cabeça

Sabe o que é que significa?
(Gripe A?!?!?)

Significa uma corrente de ar e um grande desgosto amoroso que nos põe o organismo pelas ruas da amargura.
Ainda dizem que o coração não traz males físicos?

3 comentários:

  1. 'As much as I struggled not to think of him, I did not struggled to forget. I worried - late in the night, when the exhaustion of sleep deprivation broke down my defences - that it was all slipping away. That my mind was a sieve, and I would someday not be able to remember the precise color of his eyes, the feel of his cool skin, or the texture of his voice. I could not think of them, but I could remember them.

    Because there was just one thing that I had to believe to be able to live - I had to know that he existed. That was all. Everything else I could endure. So long as he existed.'

    Bella Swan, 'New Moon'

    Digamos que te percebo, Rita. :)

  2. Nada dura para sempre e até as piores feridas se curam. Morrerás por dentro muitas vezes. Depois, verificarás que ainda estás aqui para muita coisa, talvez uma pausa antes do desaire.

    Entretanto vive se e tenta se ser feliz...

    Força Rita. (:
